Tuesday, July 10, 2012

suka lak lagu nie..

It's always been about me, myself, and I
I thought relationships were nothing but a waste of time
I never wanted to be anybody's other half
I was happy saying I had a love that wouldn't last
That was the only way I knew 'til I met you

You make we wanna say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do do
Yeah, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do

'Cause every time before it's been like maybe yes and maybe no
I can't live without it, I can't let it go
Ooh what did I get myself into?
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do

Tell me, is it only me, do you feel the same?
You know me well enough to know that I'm not playing games
I promise I won't turn around and I won't let you down
You can trust I've never felt it like I feel it now

Baby there's nothing, there's nothing we can't get through
So can we say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do

'Cause every time before it's been like maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let it go
What more can I get myself into?
You make we wanna say

Me, a family, a house, a family
Ooh, can we be a family?
And when I'm eighty years old I'm sitting next to you

And we'll remember when we said
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do

'Cause every time before it's been like maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let us go
Just look at what we got ourselves into
You make me wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do
Love you

Thursday, July 5, 2012

this my febret song..

hiii...kwn2....hehehe..nk kongsi lagu dgn korg la...hmm..kat ats nie lagu kesukaan aku aku..dlm setiap lagu smua ada mksudnya..aku mmg suka mcm nie, setiap lagu yg aku dgr msti ada sikit persamaan,kemahuan mcm2 la..sbb 2 la aku suka dgr lagu...ngee....ada lgi lagu yg aku nk post..silap2 blog aku nie bnyk dgn lagu ja...:p  tp x pa la sekurang-kurang nya aku leh dgr sllu x yah dh aku buka YT yg sllu nk kena buffering dlu...lambt mcm siput tau x...siput laju lg dri tenet nie..huhu...tp x pa la aku dh dowload msuk hp bla2 ja leh dgr...ok jom aku post lagu febret yg ke 2 lak...semoga korg smua layan erk...

ok lagu nie kenangan aku dgn sorg kwn yg aku prnh syg...hmmm...aku cuba utk bersama dia tp keadaan terhalang sbb dia jauh n aku pun jauh...jauh antara 2 benua so aku x leh nk bt apa...dia bg aku lagu nie n dia kta bla aku rindu dia dgr la lagu nie...huhu..smpai skrg aku still rindu kan dia wlaupun aku tau dia bkn utk aku (never happen to) apa pun aku redha setiap kejadian ada hikmahnya...k'org sma2 ada perasaan yg sma cuba utk dekat tp x mmpu juga...dia kata dia cuma nk org yg dekat dgn dia sbb dia dh serik cri org yg jauh jd pasangan dia..aku trma ja klu aku blh syg dia dri jauh..huhu...x sangka lak aku leh syg dgn org yg jauh yg x mungkin aku gapai..tp aku suka sgt lagu nie...heheh....skrg aku dh jarang msg dgn dia sbb dia pun dh sibuk dgn keja dia...x pa la nk bt cam na...rindu ats pada nama ja...but thank 4 tht b'coz give me the feel like tht...x la aku rsa sunyi sgt..sekurang-kurang nya aku ada org yg blh aku rndu(ada gak org mcm nie) hahaha   (miz u very much dear) ....

lagu nie lak hnya utk aku sndri..hehhe...tp mksud dia mcm dlm hati aku gak....wlaupun aku x dpt dgn dia di dunia nie tp mungkin ada dunia lain utk aku bersama dgn dia...hehhe...sweet tp aku syg dia sgt2 smpai aku x nmpk org lain..aku pun x tau napa itu jd pada aku sdgkan aku cuba utk lupakan dia tp x blh.... x pa la...aku cuma blh mendoakan kebahagiaan dia ja...ok.. ucapkan semoga dia bahagia dgn pilihan dia..

layan la lagu2 aku nie ye kawan2....

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

0330 U-KISS

This is my tragic story
Just the breaking of my heart
Check itI still can’t erase you, I keep thinking about you
I want to see you so badly, I can’t sleep at night
The sound of rain that thumps on the window of my heart
The spot that you gave up, I miss you so much
I can’t sleep at all at night
Your backside leaving by avoiding the rain
I can’t anything, again
So everyday I regret it, I’m sorry
I pray, I want you to be back
I can’t, I can’t touch you
I can’t be patient because it’s a day that doesn’t exist
The tears in my eyes flow down
Again, will I be able to forget you
I still can’t erase you, I keep thinking about you
I want to see you so badly, I can’t sleep at night
The sound of rain that thumps on the window of my heart
The spot that you gave up, I miss you so much
I can’t sleep at all at night
All night I only think about you, I can’t sleep
Why did I turn on this love show?
The distance between you and I has gotten bigger
I was the servant of this love
Why did we fight? Why were we like this?
Did you lost the sight? We loved each other
Why am I frozen right now?
Dummy, what I need is you
Your shoulders are limp
Your sight, the ground collapses
You hit my stuffy heart
I can imagine you praying to the sky
With your hands clasped together
Let’s forget everything, all the bad memories
(I’m sorry) I know how you’ll react
I can only say sorry
I still can’t erase you, I keep thinking about you
I want to see you so badly, I can’t sleep at night
The sound of rain that thumps on the window of my heart
The spot that you gave up, I miss you so much
I can’t sleep at all at night
Oh nights like tonight, tonight, oh…
You and I, don’t let go of our string
Don’t deny our r2π
Come to me, it’s all okay now
Again, again, let’s start everything again
I can’t sleep at night
I still can’t erase you, I keep thinking about you
I want to see you so badly, I can’t sleep at night
The sound of rain that thumps on the window of my heart
The spot that you left, I miss you so much
I can’t sleep at night

Monday, June 18, 2012

grayson chance

lagu kat atas nie mcm best gak..hehhe....skrg nk kumpul lagu grayson chance lak ka..mn g justen bieber aku..hahaha..lagu skrg dh kurg dgr...apa2 pun aku layan ja smua lagu....klu lagu jiwang otak aku pun jadi jiwang gak...hahah...  jom layannnnn.....

Saturday, June 16, 2012


" hiii.....kwn2..slmt mlm...hehehe...update blog lg..heheh..ak ada kat putrajaya skrg..sorg2 ja..huhu...x tau nk ajak sapa dh kali nie..sllu ak ajak org yg ak syg pas 2 ada sppu ak lg tman 2 org..tp kali nie ak kluar single..nmpk la 2 ke-singlelan ak kan...hahahah...x pa la bkn sllu pun nk kluar cam nie..sllu klu ak ajak org ak syg ak nk die teman ak nyembang..tp kli nie ak mmg nk kluar single sbb nk tenangkan fikiran..huhu...rsa dlm 2 3 ari nie ak rsa x terurus ja...sbb 2 la ak ambik kptsan utk bersendirian...sunyi 2 ada gak tp nk bt cam na..rsa mcm x nk susahkan org ja...x pa la biar la sementara wk2 dlu..nnt klu sng2 kte ajak la org yg ak lg kluar jln2 kat sni..lg pun dia dh bosan kluar dgn ak sbb ak sllu dtg lepak sini..tp ak pun x tau npa ak sllu dtg sni, ada kenangan ka kat sni..ak ckp la x da pa pun..sj mmg suka duk sini..nmpk tenang..sbb ada msjid kat sini...lengkap dgn tasik..klu mlm2 kat sini mmg cantik...nnt kawin nk bt tema putra jaya..hahah..leh cam 2.. :p

kat sini klu mlm2 mmg rmai la tp x tau smpai jam brpa..sllu ak stay smpai jam 2 cuma tnggl yg baya2 aku ja bdk2 dh kurg..klu ak dtg sni aku rsa mcm x nk blik..tp apakan dya klu sllu bwa org yg ada keja mslh sikit la..tp aku ok ja..dri umah sewa aku x la jauh sgt nk dtg sni..dlm stgh jam lbh krg cam 2...sllu aku akn dtg ari sbtu sbb ari ahad aku msti cuti..klu aku x cuti mmg aku x dtg la...nk bt aku dtg kejap ja x puas nnt..huhu...klu nk duk sini kena duk lma2..klu mlm2 lg best kat sni x la rsa pns sgt.,.pas 2 blh tgk bdk2 main..bdk2 msti stay sni smpai kul 12 ja..lbh dri kul 12 org dh kurg..time skrg pun dh kurg skit..hmmm..so ak pun x tau ak nk stay smpai kul brpa..huhu...

nie ada lak mamat mn tah park keta sblh aku..mcm x best ja duk tgk2 aku...ngeeee... bkn nk perasan tp ak mmg x suka cam nie..nk g, g r cpt2.. :p..

huhu...duk sorg2 sunyi nya... apa2 pun ak mungkin blik lmbt la..mls nk blik awl sbb umah aku pun x da org skrg...

nie blh bt kenangan..

apa2 pun aku dh panas berpeluh duk dlm keta nie...hahaha...buka pintu tgk apa yg ada kat luar... huhu...